
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Organize My Life

I am a disorganized person. Anyone who knows me is now rolling on the floor with laughter because the truest things are the funniest things.  But with starting this blog, having three kids and my oldest monkey going to school next month (excuse me while I grab a tissue); I feel the need to get organized.  So I am dedicating the whole month of August to getting organized.
I am scouring the web looking for ideas, tutorials and most importantly cute crafty ways to get organized.  BTW look at this awesome book shelf.
That isn't happening at my home, it just isn't practical enough, but I love it nonetheless.
Back to my point.  I am going to get organized.  If you know of any great tutorials, ideas or crafts let me know.  Also if you feel like me and want to get organized let me know what area you need help with and I will see what I can do.
And for a finishing thought on organizing your to do list we will look to Maxine.

(I was just proof reading this post and noticed my lack of staying on topic probably proves my point of me being disorganized lol)


  1. I alternate between being incredibly organized in some aspects of my life to being a clutter bug. But here's a good short tip:


    So if you pick something up that doesn't belong, put it where it belongs instead of putting it somewhere ELSE where it doesn't belong. That sometimes works for me.

  2. I have been working on this a lot lately, hopefully I'll have most of my projects done before baby #3 arrives. I'm trying to get things organized in a way that I can keep it organized without having to redo it every month or week. I'll be reading your finds.
